
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 25, 2012

Hablemos de dinero a los niños

Expose your kids to the realities. "Kids are surprisingly aware of what's going on in the world," says Tyson. "And if they don't know that times are a little bit tough and Mom & Dad are having to watch their spending, it's time to tell them. Sheltering kids from financial realities does them no favors." A good grasp of personal finance is one of the most valuable life skills a person can have. And while previous generations may have been raised with the constant admonishment that "money doesn't grow on trees!" too many of today's parents neglect that lesson. It's time to change that—and the economic crisis we're in now provides a great incentive for doing so. Tell kids the truth. Kids are perceptive. If you've been acting anxious and on edge lately, they've noticed. Rather than let them wonder why Mom and Dad are working so much lately or constantly talking about money, explain (on their level) what'